Sex Crimes Attorney,
San Francisco, CA

Being accused of a sex-related crime often requires help from a Sex Crimes Attorney, San Francisco, CA residents rely on at The Hallinan Law Firm. In the state of California, it is well known that sex crimes are often an uphill battle for the accused. Our law firm has successfully appealed sex offense accusations and registration for clients in the past, and encourage you to consider taking us on as your defense team. After being arrested for a sex crime, the best thing you can do for yourself is to hire a lawyer that is aggressive and prepared to handle these complicated cases.

Sex Crimes Attorney, San Francisco, CA

Do Not Wait Until You are Formally Charged

Do not wait to get help until after you have been officially charged with a sex-related crime. If you do, then at this point a sex offender arrest will appear on your record. Then, what can happen is your landlord, licensing agencies, and employers may find out that you were accused of a sex crime and will deny your application without question. When you recruit a member of our team at The Hallinan Law Firm, coming to your defense will be our top priority. We can begin investigating evidence of the supposed crime and work hard to get your name cleared, if possible.

Why You Need a Lawyer To Help You

Unfortunately, some people accused of a sex crime may request to the court to represent themselves or have a lawyer appointed to them at no cost. While our services are not free technically, what may be costing you in the end if you choose a court-assigned lawyer is your freedom and future. Many lawyers who are used by the court system are public defenders and have dozens if not hundreds of cases to handle. This means they will likely not have the time or mental energy to defend you in the way that you deserve in the court of law. Part of our defense for you may include conducting one or more of the following:


Interviewing those associated with the accuser and key witnesses.


Seeing to it that proof gathered by the prosecution is obtained legally.


Investigating the past of the accuser.


DNA testing.

A California Sex Crimes Attorney in San Francisco can take on cases related to:


Sexual battery.


Statutory rape.




Indecent exposure


Lewd conduct (solicitation).


Lewd conduct (engaging).


Lewd acts with a child.


Prostitution (solicitation).


Prostitution (engaging).


Sex registration.


Possession of child pornography.

How Can I Defend Myself Against These Charges?

While being accused of any crime can have serious consequences, accusations and charges for sex crimes are extremely serious, given the penalties for convictions and the impact a conviction can have on the person’s future. A conviction for rape or child pornography possession will carry a stigma long after any criminal sentence has been served. There is also the issue of being required to register on the California sex offender registry for the rest of your life. This is why it is critical to have a skilled Sex Crimes, Attorney in San Francisco, CA defending you against these charges.

Many people who have been accused of sex crimes think that there will be no defense against these charges, that the jury will believe what the prosecutor and police say, and they will be convicted. But having an aggressive sex crimes attorney defending you can make a difference in the outcome. There are several issues an attorney can address that result in the charges being dropped, the jury finding you not guilty, or the prosecutor willing to plea down to a much lesser charge.

Some of the more common defenses your San Francisco, CA sex crimes attorney from our attorney may be able to use include the following:


Evidence suppression:

In order to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt, prosecutors must provide evidence to the jury that proves the defendant’s guilt. However, it is not uncommon for a defendant’s constitutional rights to have been violated while that evidence was collected. For example, the Fourth Amendment protects us from unreasonable search and seizure, which means police must obtain the proper warrants to conduct those searches and seize the evidence. If they fail to follow these rules, the evidence obtained can be thrown out by the judge overseeing the case.


Witness testimony:

A prosecutor will often use witness testimony to build their case. But not all witnesses are credible, and there are cases where the witness has an ulterior motive or vendetta against the defendant and lies. A skilled sex crimes attorney can discredit the witness during cross-examination, leaving a jury to disbelief the witness, throw doubt on the prosecutor’s case. For example, an ex-girlfriend may be lying that the defendant sexually assaulted her in order to get back at him for breaking up with her.


Improper police conduct:

Not only are police officers required to obtain proper warrants for searches, but there are other rules they must abide by in order to protect a defendant’s rights. Police interrogations are one common issue. There are countless cases where suspects have made false confessions because of bullying or improper police interrogation tactics.

Call The Hallinan Law Firm for Guidance Today

If there is one thing, we hope you learned from this article, is just how detrimental waiting and not hiring a qualified lawyer can be to your case. And with so much at stake, it’s too much of a risk to not build a strong defense. Call today for guidance from a dedicated Sex Crimes Attorney in San Francisco, California from The Hallinan Law Firm.

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