Theft Attorney, Civic Center,
San Francisco, CA

As a Civic Center, San Francisco, California Theft Lawyer knows, theft is often classified as a property crime. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, there are several types of crimes that are classified as property theft crime, including:



Forcible breaking and entering into a building without the owner’s permission with the intent of taking property and not returning it.


Motor vehicle theft:

The taking of a motor vehicle without the vehicle owner’s permission.



Taking of property without using force. Examples of larceny are shoplifting and pickpocketing. If the value of the property is over a certain amount, the charge may be upgraded to grand larceny.

Over the past several years, national statistics show that property crimes have decreased. In one recent five-year period, there was a 12 percent decrease in property crime.

Some studies have suggested that since the 1990s up until today, the biggest deterrence that keeps people from committing property crimes is the increase in the incarceration rates for those who are convicted of non-violence property crimes.

Other studies have concluded that it isn’t the potential penalties if caught that deter potential defendants but instead, it is the increase in the number of police officers in communities that have caused the numbers to drop. Statisticians report that the threat of jail and prison sentences account for only about 6 percent of the decline in the nineties and only one percent decrease in this decade.

Part of the issue as to the accuracy of all these statistics is that some experts say that these conclusions being drawn are not accurate because the analysis treats cities and smaller communities the same way, which creates an incomplete and potentially inaccurate picture.

Consequences of Convictions

Despite the decrease in property crimes, there are still thousands and thousands of people arrested each year and charged with property crimes. As a Theft Attorney, Civic Center, San Francisco, CA can explain, convictions of a property crime – or any crime – can have a significant impact on a person’s future. Social consequences include the social stigma many people face when they have been convicted of a crime and how people react to them. They may even lose their job.

But there are also collateral consequences a conviction may bring. Some collateral consequences a person may face include loss of professional licenses, loss of voting rights, ineligibility for public funds (i.e. student loans, welfare benefits), and prohibited from serving on a jury.

Theft Lawyer, Civic Center, San Francisco, CA

Call a Civic Center, San Francisco, CA Theft Attorney Today

If you have been accused of a property crime, do not try to fight the charges on your own. A conviction could have a negative impact on your future, including your prospects for work, education, and even housing. Call The Hallinan Law Firm today to meet with a skilled Theft Attorney, Civic Center, San Francisco, CA clients trust and find out how we can help protect your rights.

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